Grow your business by providing your guests with hassle-free Facebook Wi-Fi. Using Social WiFi with Facebook Login, you don’t just give free Internet – you get something back in return.
Let your visitors sign in easily using their Facebook account. Drive engagement by offering special deals. Social WiFi with Facebook Login is fully customizable and will display information regarding your business’s Facebook page.
Would you like to know more about how to grow your business and reach more people with Facebook Wi-Fi? Click here.
Social Wi-Fi with Facebook Wi-Fi Login is a powerful marketing and analytic tool, allowing you to glean important metrics about your visitors. When your visitors opt-in, you could grow a quality mailing list for your marketing campaigns. Visitors’ demographics are displayed in beautiful pie charts and graphs for easy cross-reference.
Aside from the benefits garnered by the customers, the businesses that will be using RevLight Solution’s Facebook WiFi Router will also reap amazing benefits from it as well. First off, the system allows easy marketing and promotion strategies. Once the customer connects through the Facebook WiFi Network, he or she will be sent to a log-in page in where a contact number or an email address would be asked in order to make a connection with the network.
After the connection has been established, that same log-in page will load into a new page highlighting the business’ promotions, events and notifications. Through this process, the business is able to implement marketing strategies at a lesser cost since the implementation will be integrated into the Facebook WiFi Network System.
Business benefits when using the Facebook Wi-Fi
Next would be the business’ social benefits that would be obtained when using the Facebook WiFi. When the customer’s login using their contact details, the corresponding contact numbers or e-mail addresses will be saved within the system to be accessed by the business owners and this lets them build a contact list of all their customers.
Through this list, marketing and promotional communications can be sent directly to the customers and also service feedback can be obtained through utilization of the contact details acquired. This social aspect of the system establishes a rapport between business and customers and ultimately places a great influence towards your revenue.
It gives you the freedom to decide whether you want to give Facebook Wi-Fi login as a choice and how your visitors stay connected. Whether it’s time-based, usage-based- you’ll find it here. It’s as simple as a few clicks and it’s all web-based so you can manage everything no matter where you are.
Easy Portal Customization
Enter your Facebook profile, and it will customise your portal.
Set Time and Bandwidth Limits
Determine how many minutes and how much data each user could access your Wi-Fi for.
Multilingual Support
Enter text in a different language, then enable your guests to choose their language.
Easy Portal Customization
Lastly, Facebook Wifi assists in the business’ analytics and feasibility studies. The system enables businesses to statistically track customer interaction. Through this feature, the business is able to determine which times of the day are the busiest, which days of the week have increased customer traffic through Facebook Wi-Fi and which month of the year is the peak for the business. Aside from analyzing the customer traffic, the system is also able to track which customers frequently avails of the service. This also enables the business to create a more analytical marketing list and manage it according to the data presented in the analytics feature.
Set Time and Bandwidth Limit
Determine how many minutes and how much data each user could access your Facebook Wi-Fi for.
Multilingual Support
Enter text in a different language, then enable your guests to choose their language. Overall, the product is very beneficial to business. RevLight Solution’s Facebook WiFi is aimed to increase business revenues through providing an amazing customer experience.